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#proxy #reverseproxy #haproxy


对于客户端浏览器输入的域名最终需要经过openwrt(我们设置的gateway和dns服务器),openwrt中的dnsmasq(openclash的角色?是否冲突)服务会进行解析域名,这里通信使用的是默认的dns端口53,我们需要dnsmasq先将这些域名都统一解析到我们的reverse proxy服务器上,也就是安装好haproxy的服务器上,然后在haproxy的规则再对于这些域名进行分流到指定的后端服务器的后端服务上(后端服务器ip:服务监听端口)


# Example configuration file for HAProxy 2.0, refer to the url below for
# a full documentation and examples for configuration:
# https://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/2.0/configuration.html

# Global parameters

	# Log events to a remote syslog server at given address using the
	# specified facility and verbosity level. Multiple log options 
	# are allowed.
	#log daemon info

	# Specifiy the maximum number of allowed connections.
	maxconn 32000

	# Raise the ulimit for the maximum allowed number of open socket
	# descriptors per process. This is usually at least twice the
	# number of allowed connections (maxconn * 2 + nb_servers + 1) .
	ulimit-n 65535

	# Drop privileges (setuid, setgid), default is "root" on OpenWrt.
	uid 0
	gid 0

	# Perform chroot into the specified directory.
	#chroot /var/run/haproxy/

	# Daemonize on startup

	# Enable debugging

	# Spawn given number of processes and distribute load among them,
	# used for multi-core environments or to circumvent per-process
	# limits like number of open file descriptors. Default is 1.
	#nbproc 2

# Default parameters
	# Default timeouts
	timeout connect 5000ms
	timeout client 50000ms
	timeout server 50000ms
	timeout http-keep-alive 10s
	maxconn 30

# Special health check listener for integration with external load
# balancers.
listen local_health_check

	# Listen on port 60000
	bind :60000

	# This is a health check
	#mode health
	http-request return status 200

	# Enable HTTP-style responses: "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
	# else just print "OK".
	option httpchk

listen admin_stats
	stats enable
	bind :1188
	mode http
	option httplog
	log global
	maxconn 10
	stats refresh 5s
	stats uri /admin
	stats realm haproxy
	stats auth admin:admin
	stats admin if TRUE

frontend containers
	bind :81 transparent
	timeout client 30s
	mode http
	acl calibre  hdr(host) -i calibre.lan
	acl mediacms hdr(host) -i mediacms.lan
	use_backend calibre if calibre
	use_backend mediacms if mediacms
	default_backend mediacms

backend calibre
	mode http
	option httpchk
	timeout connect 5000
	timeout server 30s
	server s1 weight 1 rise 2 fall 3
backend mediacms
	mode http
	option httpchk
	timeout connect 5000
	timeout server 3s
	server s1 weight 1 rise 2 fall 3

service haproxy check

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